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Default Data and Config Directories

Depending on the operating system and startup method used, the default data and configuration directories for your node will differ.

Bee Service Default Directories

When installed using a package manager, Bee is set up to run as a service with default data and configuration directories set up automatically during the installation. The examples below include default directories for Linux and macOS. You can find the complete details of default directories for different operating systems in the bee.yaml files included in the packaging folder of the Bee repo.

The default data folder and config file locations:

data-dir: /var/lib/bee
config: /etc/bee/bee.yaml

bee start Default Directories

For all operating systems, the default data and config directories for the bee start startup method can be found using the bee printconfig command:

This will print out a complete default Bee node configuration file to the terminal, the config and data-dir values show the default directories for your system:

config: /root/.bee.yaml
data-dir: /root/.bee

The default directories for your system may differ from the example above, so make sure to run the bee printconfig command to view the default directories for your system.

Configuration Methods and Priority

There are three methods of configuration which each have different priority levels. Configuration is processed in the following ascending order of preference:

  1. Command Line Arguments
  2. Environment Variables
  3. YAML Configuration File

All three methods may be used when running Bee using bee start.

However when Bee is started as a service with tools like systemctl or brew services, only the YAML configuration file is supported by default.

Command Line Arguments

Run bee start --help in your Terminal to list the available command line arguments as follows:

Start a Swarm node

bee start [flags]

--allow-private-cidrs allow to advertise private CIDRs to the public network
--api-addr string HTTP API listen address (default "")
--block-time uint chain block time (default 15)
--blockchain-rpc-endpoint string rpc blockchain endpoint
--bootnode strings initial nodes to connect to
--bootnode-mode cause the node to always accept incoming connections
--cache-capacity uint cache capacity in chunks, multiply by 4096 to get approximate capacity in bytes (default 1000000)
--cache-retrieval enable forwarded content caching (default true)
--chequebook-enable enable chequebook (default true)
--cors-allowed-origins strings origins with CORS headers enabled
--data-dir string data directory (default "/home/noah/.bee")
--db-block-cache-capacity uint size of block cache of the database in bytes (default 33554432)
--db-disable-seeks-compaction disables db compactions triggered by seeks (default true)
--db-open-files-limit uint number of open files allowed by database (default 200)
--db-write-buffer-size uint size of the database write buffer in bytes (default 33554432)
--full-node cause the node to start in full mode
-h, --help help for start
--mainnet triggers connect to main net bootnodes. (default true)
--nat-addr string NAT exposed address
--neighborhood-suggester string suggester for target neighborhood (default "")
--network-id uint ID of the Swarm network (default 1)
--p2p-addr string P2P listen address (default ":1634")
--p2p-ws-enable enable P2P WebSocket transport
--password string password for decrypting keys
--password-file string path to a file that contains password for decrypting keys
--payment-early-percent int percentage below the peers payment threshold when we initiate settlement (default 50)
--payment-threshold string threshold in BZZ where you expect to get paid from your peers (default "13500000")
--payment-tolerance-percent int excess debt above payment threshold in percentages where you disconnect from your peer (default 25)
--postage-stamp-address string postage stamp contract address
--postage-stamp-start-block uint postage stamp contract start block number
--pprof-mutex enable pprof mutex profile
--pprof-profile enable pprof block profile
--price-oracle-address string price oracle contract address
--redistribution-address string redistribution contract address
--resolver-options strings ENS compatible API endpoint for a TLD and with contract address, can be repeated, format [tld:][contract-addr@]url
--resync forces the node to resync postage contract data
--staking-address string staking contract address
--statestore-cache-capacity uint lru memory caching capacity in number of statestore entries (default 100000)
--static-nodes strings protect nodes from getting kicked out on bootnode
--storage-incentives-enable enable storage incentives feature (default true)
--swap-deployment-gas-price string gas price in wei to use for deployment and funding
--swap-enable enable swap
--swap-endpoint string swap blockchain endpoint
--swap-factory-address string swap factory addresses
--swap-initial-deposit string initial deposit if deploying a new chequebook (default "0")
--target-neighborhood string neighborhood to target in binary format (ex: 111111001) for mining the initial overlay
--token-encryption-key string admin username to get the security token
--tracing-enable enable tracing
--tracing-endpoint string endpoint to send tracing data (default "")
--tracing-host string host to send tracing data
--tracing-port string port to send tracing data
--tracing-service-name string service name identifier for tracing (default "bee")
--use-postage-snapshot bootstrap node using postage snapshot from the network
--verbosity string log verbosity level 0=silent, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug, 5=trace (default "info")
--warmup-time duration time to warmup the node before some major protocols can be kicked off (default 5m0s)
--welcome-message string send a welcome message string during handshakes
--withdrawal-addresses-whitelist strings withdrawal target addresses

Global Flags:
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.bee.yaml)

Environment variables

Bee config may also be passed using environment variables.

Environment variables are set as variables in your operating system's session or systemd configuration file. To set an environment variable, type the following in your terminal session.

export VARIABLE_NAME=variableValue

Verify if it is correctly set by running echo $VARIABLE_NAME.

All available configuration options are available as BEE prefixed, capitalised, and underscored environment variables, e.g. --api-addr becomes BEE_API_ADDR.

YAML configuration file

You can view the default contents of the bee.yaml configuration file using the bee printconfig command:

bee printconfig
# allow to advertise private CIDRs to the public network
allow-private-cidrs: false
# HTTP API listen address
# chain block time
block-time: "15"
# rpc blockchain endpoint
blockchain-rpc-endpoint: ""
# initial nodes to connect to
bootnode: []
# cause the node to always accept incoming connections
bootnode-mode: false
# cache capacity in chunks, multiply by 4096 to get approximate capacity in bytes
cache-capacity: "1000000"
# enable forwarded content caching
cache-retrieval: true
# enable chequebook
chequebook-enable: true
# config file (default is $HOME/.bee.yaml)
config: /root/.bee.yaml
# origins with CORS headers enabled
cors-allowed-origins: []
# data directory
data-dir: /root/.bee
# size of block cache of the database in bytes
db-block-cache-capacity: "33554432"
# disables db compactions triggered by seeks
db-disable-seeks-compaction: true
# number of open files allowed by database
db-open-files-limit: "200"
# size of the database write buffer in bytes
db-write-buffer-size: "33554432"
# cause the node to start in full mode
full-node: false
# help for printconfig
help: false
# triggers connect to main net bootnodes.
mainnet: true
# NAT exposed address
nat-addr: ""
# suggester for target neighborhood
# ID of the Swarm network
network-id: "1"
# P2P listen address
p2p-addr: :1634
# enable P2P WebSocket transport
p2p-ws-enable: false
# password for decrypting keys
password: ""
# path to a file that contains password for decrypting keys
password-file: ""
# percentage below the peers payment threshold when we initiate settlement
payment-early-percent: 50
# threshold in BZZ where you expect to get paid from your peers
payment-threshold: "13500000"
# excess debt above payment threshold in percentages where you disconnect from your peer
payment-tolerance-percent: 25
# postage stamp contract address
postage-stamp-address: ""
# postage stamp contract start block number
postage-stamp-start-block: "0"
# enable pprof mutex profile
pprof-mutex: false
# enable pprof block profile
pprof-profile: false
# price oracle contract address
price-oracle-address: ""
# redistribution contract address
redistribution-address: ""
# ENS compatible API endpoint for a TLD and with contract address, can be repeated, format [tld:][contract-addr@]url
resolver-options: []
# forces the node to resync postage contract data
resync: false
# staking contract address
staking-address: ""
# lru memory caching capacity in number of statestore entries
statestore-cache-capacity: "100000"
# protect nodes from getting kicked out on bootnode
static-nodes: []
# enable storage incentives feature
storage-incentives-enable: true
# gas price in wei to use for deployment and funding
swap-deployment-gas-price: ""
# enable swap
swap-enable: false
# swap blockchain endpoint
swap-endpoint: ""
# swap factory addresses
swap-factory-address: ""
# initial deposit if deploying a new chequebook
swap-initial-deposit: "0"
# neighborhood to target in binary format (ex: 111111001) for mining the initial overlay
target-neighborhood: ""
# enable tracing
tracing-enable: false
# endpoint to send tracing data
# host to send tracing data
tracing-host: ""
# port to send tracing data
tracing-port: ""
# service name identifier for tracing
tracing-service-name: bee
# bootstrap node using postage snapshot from the network
use-postage-snapshot: false
# log verbosity level 0=silent, 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4=debug, 5=trace
verbosity: info
# time to warmup the node before some major protocols can be kicked off
warmup-time: 5m0s
# send a welcome message string during handshakes
welcome-message: ""
# withdrawal target addresses
withdrawal-addresses-whitelist: []

Note that depending on whether Bee is started directly with the bee start command or started as a service with systemctl / brew services, the default directory for the YAML configuration file (shown in the config option above) will be different.

To change your node's configuration, simply edit the YAML file and restart Bee:

Open the config file for editing:

sudo vi /etc/bee/bee.yaml

After saving your changes, restart your node:

sudo systemctl restart bee

Manually generating a config file for bee start

No YAML file is generated during installation in the default config directory used when Bee is started with bee start, so you must generate one if you wish to use a YAML file to specify your configuration options. To do this you can use the bee printconfig command to print out a set of default options and save it to a new file in the default location:

bee printconfig &> $HOME/.bee.yaml

Restoring default config files for Bee service

You can find the default configurations for your system in the packaging folder of the Bee repo. If your configuration file is missing you can simply copy the contents of the file into a new bee.yaml file in the default configuration directory shown in the bee.yaml file for your system.

Sepolia Testnet Configuration

Connecting to the Swarm testnet is as simple as adding the flag --mainnet false to your bee commandline, or mainnet: false to your configuration file. Swarm testnet smart contracts are deployed on Sepolia, so if you want to run a light or full node you will need to add a Sepolia RPC to your configuration and fund your node with Sepolia ETH. There are many public faucets you can use to obtain Sepolia ETH, such as this one from Infura.

To get Sepolia BZZ (sBZZ) you can use this Uniswap market; just make sure that you've switched to the Sepolia network in your browser wallet.

Here is an example of a full configuration for a testnet full node:

data-dir: /home/username/bee/sepolia
full-node: true
mainnet: false
password: password
blockchain-rpc-endpoint: wss://<API-KEY>
swap-enable: true
verbosity: 5
welcome-message: "welcome-from-the-hive"
warmup-time: 30s