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Smart Contracts

Token Contracts

BZZ tokenEthereum0x19062190b1925b5b6689d7073fdfc8c2976ef8cb
xBZZ tokenGnosis Chain0xdBF3Ea6F5beE45c02255B2c26a16F300502F68da
sBZZ tokenSepolia (Ethereum testnet)0x543dDb01Ba47acB11de34891cD86B675F04840db

Storage Incentives Contracts

You can find the Solidity source code for each contract in the storage incentives Github repo.

For a list of the current smart contract addresses, see the storage incentives ABI repo.

For a history of smart contract addresses, see the storage incentives ABI repo history.

Postage StampGnosis Chain0x45a1502382541Cd610CC9068e88727426b696293
StakingGnosis Chain0x445B848e16730988F871c4a09aB74526d27c2Ce8
RedistributionGnosis Chain0xFfF73fd14537277B3F3807e1AB0F85E17c0ABea5
Price OracleGnosis Chain0x47EeF336e7fE5bED98499A4696bce8f28c1B0a8b